The Vitello d’Oro waterfall

The Gran Sasso spring water

The area of Montebello di Bertona is supplied by the Tavo river water main, which has some of the purest waters in the whole Italy: the Vitello D’Oro Spring and the Mortaio D’Angri Spring.

Both of them are in the heart of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, just as the majority of the territory of Montebello di Bertona. In particular, the Vitello d’Oro area also hosts the WWF Oasis for the reintroduction of the Appennine Chamois (with a little bit of luck you can also see it jumping on the rocks), and a charming little waterfall.

In the 60’s, with some difficulties due to the mountain type geological composition of the ground, the waterwork was completed and reinforced in the 80’s, in the full respect of the environment and preserving the incredible quality and purity of the water. Beer doesn’t only mean a drink to us, not only spending time together: it represents the passion of the brew master, but above all quality of the materials, first of all the water.

This is the reason why we have chosen Montebello di Bertona as a location for our brewery, for its waters coming from the mountains we all love, where the white winter snow melts and infiltrates the ground, makes a long journey underground, through the valleys, and finally flows out, in the form of, as Petrarcha said, “chiare, fresche, et dolci acque”.

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Birra Bertona Craft Brewery
Contrada Campo delle Piane snc
65010 Montebello di Bertona PE
email Cooperese Soc. coop.